Changing the Odds for Families


As part of the Impact Monterey County (IMC) assessment, you told us that you envision a community where people are self-sufficient and can achieve prosperity.  A community where everyone has the ability to take care of themselves and build a better future for their children.

You also told us that you want United Way Monterey County to do more than mitigate poverty. That our community needs United Way to take on (and solve) problems that prevent people from achieving prosperity.

The timing was perfect.  We already have a long history of providing services that help people stretch their paycheck. But we knew we could do more.  We have the ability to be the game changers.

That’s why United Way is fighting to increase the supply of quality, affordable Child Care and Housing and helping people gain financial independence. We’re fighting to create the community we all want.

Solving these problems takes more than money.  It will take us all working together.  I invite you to learn more about our work and get involved.  As a donor, a partner, an advocate or a volunteer.  Please join the fight.  We need you.



Katy Castagna

President and CEO